SRF Podcast conversation with Prof. Alfred Bodenheimer
"Male circumcision – does it have to be?"Radio program on Radio Ö1 with Prof. Alfred Bodenheimer
In a conversation on "the art of living," Prof. Bodenheimer talks about his publication "What language does God speak?"/ News, Studies, Events, Organizational Unit, Info
Study Theology in Basel
Prof. Reinhold Bernhardt, Dean of Students of the Faculty of Theology, gives three good reasons for studying Theology in Basel.New podcast on SRF 2 (radio) with Prof. Alfred Bodenheimer
In this podcast, Prof. Alfred Bodenheimer addresses the question "Who is the Messiah?", with answers from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.Interview with Chaplain Luzius Müller in the new Beast-Blog of the University of Basel
In the new Beast-Blog (the student blog of the University of Basel), Dr. Luzius Müller discusses the variety of responsibilities that he has as the University chaplain.New book by Dr. theol. Christoph Heilig
Dr. theol. Christoph Heilig has recently published a new book, "The Apostle and the Empire"/ Organizational Unit
Nachruf - Zum Tode von Prof. em. Dr. theol. Dr. h.c. Ernst Jenni
Die Theologische Fakultät der Universität Basel trauert um Prof. em. Dr. theol. Dr. h.c. Ernst Jenni.
Dies Academicus 2022: Honorary doctorates
Psychologist and author Ahmad Mansour received an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Theology at the Dies Academicus on November 25.
/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, Organizational Unit
Dies Academicus 2022: Emilie Louise Frey Prize
The 2022 Emilie Louise Frey Prize for the advancement of young female scholars was awarded to Dr. des. Delphine Conzelmann at the Dies Academicus on November 25.