/ News, Research

Nesina Grütter becomes Assistant Professor in Fribourg

Dr. Nesina Grütter, previously a postdoc at the Faculty of Theology in Basel, began a position as Assistant Professor at the Institut Dominique Barthélemy at the University of Fribourg in August 2023. Nesina Grütter studied Theology with a specialization in Semitic Philology and was a postdoc in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Philology since 2013, most recently having received a research grand from the Research Fund of the University of Basel. In Fribourg, she will lead a six-person team researching how the culturally coded animal symbolism of the Hebrew Bible has traveled through space, time, and language. A focus of the project is on the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible (from the third century BCE) and its Ethiopic and Syriac daughter versions (ca. fourth–seventh centuries CE). The Swiss National Science Foundation has awarded Nesina Grütter an SNSF Starting Grant for this project, titled MiTAnIm: Migration and Transformation of Culturally Encoded Animal Imagery in the Septuagint and Its Ethiopic and Syriac Daughter Versions – Translation Studies and Digitized Textual Criticism Approaches for Hebrew Bible Studies. The Faculty of Theology in Basel congratulates Dr. Nesina Grütter on this achievement and wishes her all the best in the next stage of her academic career.

See also: https://www.unifr.ch/theo/de/news/news/28356/snsf-starting-grant-am-departement-d-etudes-bibliques?&cat=1