/ News, Research, Organizational Unit, Campus

Forschungsporträt von Prof. Dr. Andrea Bieler

Die Universität Basel stellt unsere Professorin für Praktische Theologie in ihren Forschungsporträts vor!
Ehrenpromotion Lutz Dies Academicus 2023

/ News

Dies Academicus 2023 Ehrendoktorwürde

Pfarrer Hans Friedrich Lutz wird Ehrendoktor der Theologischen Fakultät Basel.
Amberbachpreis Merian

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, Organizational Unit

Dies Academicus 2023 - Amerbachpreis

Der Amerbachpreis 2023 wurde im Rahmen des diesjährigen Dies Academicus an Dr. des. Katharina Merian verliehen.
Fakultätspreise Dies Academicus 2023

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, Organizational Unit

Dies Academicus 2023 Fakultätspreis

Der Fakultätspreis 2023 der Theologischen Fakultät Basel wurde im Rahmen des diesjährigen Dies Academicus an Dr. Florence Isabelle Häneke verliehen.
Preisträgerin Schwizerhüsli Preis

/ News, Studies, Continuing Education, People

Dies Academicus 2023 Nachwuchsförderpreis der Studentenverbindung «Schwizerhüsli»

Der Nachwuchsförderpreis der Studentenverbindung «Schwizerhüsli», gestiftet von der Ferdinand Neeracher-Pfrunder Stiftung, wird an Isabel Altmann, MTh, MLaw, von der Theologischen Fakultät verliehen.
Buchumschlag Collective Violence and Memory

/ News, Research, Doctorate/PhD

Collective volume published as part of the SNSF project «Transforming Memories of Collective Violence in the Hebrew Bible»

The editors Sonja Ammann, Helge Bezold, Stephen Germany, and Julia Rhyder have published a collective volume titled «Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean» in the series «Culture and History of the Ancient Near East»…
Andrea Hofmann

/ News, Research, Organizational Unit, People, Info

Prof. Andrea Hofmann to join the Faculty of Theology as Professor of Church History

The Faculty of Theology is pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Andrea Hofmann as Professor of Church History and History of Theology as of January 1, 2024.

/ News, Studies, People, Info, Other

2023 Faculty Prize for Outstanding Bachelor's and Master's Theses

The Faculty of Theology awarded Nathalie Hanke and Michael Klaiber the 2023 Faculty Prize for Outstanding Bachelor's Theses and Roman Luigi Maximilian Simon Gross the 2023 Faculty Prize for Outstanding Master's Theses.
Theologiepreis 2023

/ News, Studies, Info, Other

Theology Prize 2023 for outstanding high school theses

Every year, the Faculties of Theology of the Universities of Basel, Bern, and Zürich award a prize for an outstanding high school thesis (Maturaarbeit) from the fields of Religion, Ethics, and Theology. This year, the prize went to Veronica…

/ News, Other

UB Religion/Zerkindenhof featured on Telebasel

The regional television station Telebasel, together with the Swiss Heritage Society (Heimatschutz), was recently invited to the UB Religion library to discuss the history of the Zerkindenhof building (Nadelberg 10).  For the video, click…