/ Research

Recently published: Theologische Zeitschrift vol. 79, issue 1 (2024)

ThZ 80:1 (2024) – Contents Christian Blumenthal / Jonas Maria Hoff Verfügbare Unverfügbarkeit? Der Losentscheid in Apg 1,15-26  Adam Drozdek Montane theology of Élie Bertrand Christine Wenona Hoffmann Christus gepredigt. Empirische…

/ Research, People

Prof. Jens Köhrsen in the current issue of "Bref"

What can churches do in response to climate change?
Stephan Germany

/ Research, Studies, Organizational Unit, People

Stephen Germany to begin professorship in Lausanne

Beginning in fall 2024, Stephen Germany will begin a new position as Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible in its Historical and Cultural Contexts at the University of Lausanne.

Conversation with Prof. Alfred Bodenheimer on SRF

Jewish voices in higher education – Swiss universities and their responses to antisemitism

/ Research

Recently published: Theologische Zeitschrift, vol. 79, issue 4 (2023)

This issue includes contributions from researchers at the Faculty of Theology in Basel and offers a view into their current work.

/ Research, Organizational Unit, Info

Brief report by Dr. Christoph Heilig

In the current report of the University of Basel's Office of Career Advancement, Dr. Christoph Heilig provides a glimpse into his work in the Faculty of Theology.

/ Research

New issue of the Theologische Zeitschrift (Volume 79, issue 3, 2023)

The contributions were written by researchers affiliated with the Faculty of Theology in Basel and provide a view into their current work.

/ News, Research, Organizational Unit, Campus

Forschungsporträt von Prof. Dr. Andrea Bieler

Die Universität Basel stellt unsere Professorin für Praktische Theologie in ihren Forschungsporträts vor!
Ehrenpromotion Lutz Dies Academicus 2023

/ News

Dies Academicus 2023 Ehrendoktorwürde

Pfarrer Hans Friedrich Lutz wird Ehrendoktor der Theologischen Fakultät Basel.
Amberbachpreis Merian

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, Organizational Unit

Dies Academicus 2023 - Amerbachpreis

Der Amerbachpreis 2023 wurde im Rahmen des diesjährigen Dies Academicus an Dr. des. Katharina Merian verliehen.