Conviviality in Motion. Exploring Practices and Theologies in Multiethnic Christian Communities in Europe
Project team members
Tabea Eugster-Schaetzle, M. Th.
PD Dr. habil. Claudia Hoffmann
External experts
Affiliated dissertation projects
Contact information
Nadelberg 10
4051 Basel
Conviviality in Motion
The research project "Conviviality in Motion" was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and led by Prof. Dr. Andrea Bieler, Department of Practical Theology at the University of Basel (2020-2024).
The project explored the conviviality of multiethnic Christian communities in Switzerland, Italy and Germany.
Latest news

New publication "Conviviality in Contexts of Religious Plurality"
The anthology collects results of the research project and interdisciplinary perspectives on conviviality.
Andrea Bieler, Claudia Hoffmann, Lisa Ketges (eds.): Conviviality in Contexts of Religious Plurality. Interdisciplinary Explorations, Bielefeld: transcript 2025,
https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839477359. Open Access publication, available on the publisher's website.
Further publications can be found in the "Output" section.

funded by the SNSF
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