26 Feb 2024

Theologische Fakultät, Nadelberg 10, Kleiner Seminarraum

Theologische Fakultät

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Vortrag von Prof. Paolo Naso (Università La Sapienza, Rome)

Thema: Waldensians from Evangelical Poverty to "Humanitarian Corridors"

Die Theologische Fakultät lädt herzlich zum Vortrag von Prof. Paolo Naso ein.

Der Vortrag findet in englischer Sprache am Montag, 26.02.24 um 18:00 Uhr im Kleinen Seminarraum am Nadelberg 10 in Basel statt.

Eine Teilnahme ist auch via Zoom möglich: https://unibas.zoom.us/j/69676185958?pwd=SllXT0xCSkFIZjR2TXIwRXp2UkFzUT09


Paolo Naso, professor of political science at Sapienza University in Rome, collaborates with scientific specialization courses and masters organized by the University of Padua, the Waldensian Faculty of Theology, and the Adventist Theological Institute. For the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy he directed Mediterranean Hope - Refugee and Migrant Program and currently coordinates the dialogue and integration studies commission. Since 2015 he has been coordinating the Council of Relations with Islam, established at the Ministry of the Home Affairs of the Italian Government. His recent publications are:

-          (With M. Ambrosini e C. Paravati) Quando gli Immigrati Vogliono Pregare. Comunità, Pluralismo, Welfare (Il Mulino 2022)

-          Martin Luther King. Una Storia Americana (Laterza 2021)

-          Le Religioni sono Vie di Pace. Falso! (Laterza 2018)

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