Historical Narratives and Memorialization of Collective Violence in Antiquity
Im Lichte der weltweiten Entwicklung durch COVID-19 wurde die für September 2020 geplante Konferenz "Historical Narratives and Memoralization of Collective Violence in Antiquity" durch ein wöchentlich stattfindendes Webinar ersetzt.
Die Abhandlungen des Webinars samt zusätzliche Beiträge werden in einem Sammelband (Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean) in der Serie "Culture and History of the Ancient Near East" (CHANE) bei Brill veröffentlicht.
24.9. Stephen Germany (Basel): Memorializing Saul’s Wars in Samuel and Chronicles
1.10. Izak Cornelius (Stellenbosch): “Memories of Violence” in the Material Imagery of Karkemish, Zincirli and Tell Halaf
8.10. Nathan Arrington (Princeton): Material Responses to Collective Violence in Classical Athens
15.10. Maria Brosius (Toronto): Violence Exacted and Violence Suffered: From the Persian King’s Perspective to that of the Enemies of the Empire
29.10. Helge Bezold (Basel): Fighting Annihilation – The Justification of Collective Violence in the Book of Esther and Beyond
5.11. Julia Rhyder (Basel): Hellenizing Hanukkah: War Commemoration in 1 and 2 Maccabees
12.11. Simon Lentzsch (Bochum): The Darkest Hour (?): Military Defeats during the Second Punic War in Roman Memory Culture
19.11. Jessica Clark (Florida State University): Rebellious Narratives, Repeat Engagements, and Roman Historiography
3.12. Antonio Loprieno (Basel): Israel’s Violence in Egypt’s Memory
10.12. Damien Agut-Labordère (CNRS/Paris): Real Fights or Comic Mockery? The Nature of Violence in the Battles of the Inaros Cycle