IOSOT International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament XVIIth Congress Basel 2001
IOSOT: 5.-10. August 2001
IOTS International Organization for Targumic Studies III. Kongress: 2.-3. August 2001
IOSCS International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies XI. Kongress: 3.-4. August 2001
IOQS International Organization for Qumran Studies IV. Kongress: 5.-7. August 2001
IOMS International Organization for Masoretic Studies XV. Kongress: 6. August 2001
Organizing Committee
- Prof. Dr. Ernst Jenni, President
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Seybold, Vice President
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Mathys, Executive President
- Dr. Beat Huwyler, Congress Secretary

A. Lemaire (ed.), Congress Volume Basel 2001. Papers given at the 17th Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, held in Basel from 5 to 10 August 2001 (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, vol. 92), Leiden: Brill 2002. ISBN: 9789004126800. viii, 414 pp. 1 illus.
Main Programme
(All main lectures take place in the university main building unless otherwise stated.)
Sunday, 5 August
- 8 pm Ernst Jenni (Basel): Presidential address (Martinskirche)
Monday, 6 August
- 9 am Michael P. O’Connor (Catholic University of America, Washington, USA): Syntax and Semantics of Biblical Hebrew: Recent Studies
- 10.30 am Stephen A. Kaufman (Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, USA): Recent Contributions of Aramaic Studies to Biblical Hebrew Philology and the Exegesis of the Hebrew Bible
- 11.45 am Andreas Wagner (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany): Die Stellung der Sprechakttheorie in Hebraistik und Exegese
Tuesday, 7 August
- 9 am Eugene Ulrich (University of Notre Dame, USA): The Text of the Hebrew Scriptures at the Time of Hillel and Jesus
- 10.30 am Carmel McCarthy (University College Dublin, Ireland): Moving in from the Margins: Issues of Text and Context in Deuteronomy
- 11.45 am Gilles Dorival (Université de Provence, Aix en Provence, France) : TM et LXX: Le cas des Psaumes
- Open Public Evening Lecture: 7.30 pm Helga Weippert (Villeperdrix, France) : Der Lärm und die Stille. Ethno-archäologische Annäherungen an das biblische Alltagsleben (with illustrations and music) (Martinskirche)
Wednesday, 8 August
- 9 am Udo Rüterswörden (Universität Bonn, Germany): Dtn 13 in der neueren Deuteronomiumforschung
- 10.30 am Helen Schüngel-Straumann (Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel, Germany): Feministische Exegese ausgewählter Beispiele aus der Urgeschichte
- 11.45 am Hans M. Barstad (Universitetet i Oslo, Norway) : Isaiah 40:1-11: Another Reading
Thursday, 9 August
- 9 am Bernd Janowski (Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany) : Theologie des Alten Testaments. Standortbestimmung und Zukunftsaufgaben
- 10.30 am Carol L. Meyers (Duke University, Durham, USA): From Household to House of Yahweh: Women’s Religion In Ancient Israel
- 11.45 am Jon D. Levenson (Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, USA): Immortality, Resurrection, and the Construction of Personal Identity in Ancient Israel
Friday, 10 August
- 9 am Israel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv University, Israel): Archaeology and Text in the Year 2000: A View from the Center
- 10.30 am Thomas Römer (Université de Lausanne, Switzerland) : Le pentateuque toujours en question – bilan et perspectives après un quart de siècle de débat
- 11.45 am Thomas Willi (Ernst Moritz Arndt Universität Greifswald, Germany): Hebraica veritas in Basel
Short Papers
Monday, 6 / Tuesday, 7 / Thursday, 9 August
See the detailed programme.
Special Events
Thursday, 9 August, 3-6 pm
New focus on Elephantine: archaeology, history, texts and the Bible
in cooperation with the Swiss Society of Ancient Near Eastern Studies (SGOA)
- 3 pm Bezalel Porten (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) : Elephantine and the Bible
- 3.45 pm Karl-Theodor Zauzich (University of Würzburg) : Elephantine nach den demotischen Quellen des 6.-1. Jahrhunderts
- 4.45 pm Cornelius von Pilgrim (Schweizerisches Institut für ägyptische Bauforschung und Altertumskunde, Kairo): Elephantine in der Perserzeit: Ein Bericht über die Grabungsergebnisse der letzten Jahre