Welcome to the Karl Barth Center for reformed theology!

We are a center for teaching and research at the Theological Faculty of Basel, backed by both the University of Basel and the Karl Barth-foundation. We aim at critically and constructively analyzing Karl Barth's theology and the reformed theological tradition and care for a contemporary approach to protestant theology.
We keep a mailing and address list open for all persons interested. If you want to be informed about the center's activities in irregular intervals, please contact us via email and send us your contact info.
We cordially invite all students and researchers to engage in an exchange on their current studies or to enroll in a corresponding course of study. We are excited to do theology with you!

Universität Basel Karl Barth-Zentrum für reformierte Theologie
Nadelberg 10
4051 Basel
Tel: +41 (0)61 207 27 35