Seminar at the Theological Faculty of Basel (Nadelberg 10)

Further details on admission requirements and enrollment procedures can be found here

Basel offers several degree programs.

Good knowledge of Latin, Greek, and Biblical Hebrew are required or can be acquired in the first semesters.

A full-time master's degree in theology is a requirement for the vocational training to become a pastor in the Swiss Reformed Church.

Contact persons

 Deanery of Studies

Prof. Dr. Moisés Mayordomo
Dean of Studies
(Appointments upon consultation)

Franziska Müller Boss
Management Deanery of Studies
(Appointments upon consultation)


[Translate to English:] Gebäude Theologische Fakultät

Theological Faculty
Deanery of Studies
Nadelberg 10
4051 Basel

Phone: +41 61 207 27 95