Degree Programs

At the University of Basel, Theology is offered as a major field of study or in combination with another subject.

Full studies of Theology are completed with a Bachelor’s degree (BTh) and a Master’s degree (MTh) with a focus on Theology, Semitic Philology or Christianity. The Master's program Interreligious studies (Master of Arts in Interreligious Studies) can also be studied. In addition, the Faculty of Theology offer together with the Universities of Zurich and Lucerne a Joint Degree Master's Program in Religion, Economics, Politics (Master of Arts in Religion, Economics, Politics).

In combination with another subject the study of Theology will be completed with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or a Master of Arts (MA).

Basel also offers doctorate programs in Theology and Semitic Philology, which can be completed either with a degree as Dr. Theol.” or “Dr. Phil/PhD”. You can access further information on our page Doctorate Studies.


Contact persons

 Deanery of Studies

Prof. Dr. Moisés Mayordomo
Dean of Studies
(Appointments upon consultation)

Franziska Müller Boss
Management Deanery of Studies
(Appointments upon consultation)


[Translate to English:] Gebäude Theologische Fakultät

Theological Faculty
Deanery of Studies
Nadelberg 10
4051 Basel

Phone: +41 61 207 27 95