Courses of theology offered in the current semester are listed in the course directory of the University of Basel:
Apart from the regular lectures, seminars and classes, special courses are offered. That includes study trips, excursions as well as study days in the field of Religious Studies.
One of the annual highlights of Basel's academic year is the >Leuenberg Faculty Convention, taking place the week before Ascension Day respecitively.
Studies related news
/ Studies, Campus
Anmeldefristen Sprachkurse Sprachenzentrum
Anmeldefrist Intensivkurse: 27. Januar 2025 / Anmeldefrist Semesterkurse: 12. Februar 2025/ Studies
Neuigkeiten zum QUEST-Studium
Informationen zur Verbesserung der Studiensituation im Master mit Vertiefungsrichtung "Christianity" im Zusammenhang mit dem Quereinsteiger-Programm der Bildungskirche.Contact persons
Deanery of Studies |
Prof. Dr. Moisés Mayordomo |
Franziska Müller Boss Management Deanery of Studies (Appointments upon consultation) |
Theological Faculty
Deanery of Studies
Nadelberg 10
4051 Basel
Phone: +41 61 207 27 95