Anita Dirnberger
Assistant / PhD candidate
Anita Dirnberger
Theologische Fakultät
Professur Ammann

Assistant / PhD candidate

Theologische Fakultät
Nadelberg 10
4051 Basel

Tel. +41 61 207 28 98

Office hours
Monday 9am-5pm. Please register in advance by e-mail or telephone. 

  • Zech 11; 12–13: Organization of the collective in Judah and collective forms of organization
  • Leadership discourses in Zech 9–14

Member of research network "CORPUS – The Body in Theology", Faculty of Theology, University of Basel. 

since 02/2023

Assistant and Doctoral Student in the Departement Hebrew Bible and Semitic Philology, Unversity of Basel

since 06/2023   Ceritifcate in Higher Education Practice ‘Learning, Teaching, and Assessing’ (planned completion in 2025)

06/2023 – 05/2024   Ceritifcate in Higher Education Practice, University of Basel


Master of Theology, University of Zürich

11/2020–01/2023   Administrative Staff in the Departement Hebrew Bible and Semitic Philology, Unversity of Basel


Bachelor of Theology, University of Basel

01/2020–06/2020   Ekklesiologisch-Praktisches Semester 

01/2019–01/2020   Student Assistant in the Departement Hebrew Bible and Semitic Philology, Unversity of Basel

08/2016– 07/2017Internship Journalism Newspaper
06/2016Matura in Schiers, GR
  • European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS)
  • Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)