/ Continuing Education

DAS/CAS Theologie und Religionsphilosophie - Jahresprogramm 2025

Das neue Jahresprogramm 2025 mit dem Thema "Kreativität" ist da!
Foto Miriam Rose

/ Research, Organizational Unit, People, Info

Prof. Dr. Miriam Rose - Neue Professorin für Systematische Theologie/Dogmatik

Die Theologische Fakultät freut sich sehr, die neue Kollegin Prof. Dr. Miriam Rose, Professorin für Systematische Theologie/Dogmatik, per 1. August 2024 begrüssen zu dürfen.
[Translate to English:] Gesangbuch Hofmann kleiner

/ Research, Info

New book by Prof. Andrea Hofmann

The Origins of the Protestant Hymnal and its 500th Anniversary
[Translate to English:] Silke Radosh-Hinder Preis

/ Research

Silke Radosh-Hinder receives advancement award from the Deutsche Nationalstiftung

Silke Radosh-Hinder and her colleagues Gesa Ederberg, Iman Andrea Reimann, and Kathin Jahnert received the advancement award of the Deutscher Nationalpreis for the initiative to build an interreligious daycare in Berlin. Silke Radosh-Hinder…

/ Research, Other

SRF Podcast with Prof. Reinhold Bernhardt

Topic of the Podcast: "Is Christianity reaching its sunset years?"

/ Continuing Education, People, Info

Interview with Prof. Andreas Heuser on the global Pentecostal movement in the current issue of "reformiert.info"

Click here to read the report and to learn more about the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Interculutral Theology and Migration beginning in 2025.

/ Research

Recently published: Theologische Zeitschrift vol. 79, issue 1 (2024)

ThZ 80:1 (2024) – Contents Christian Blumenthal / Jonas Maria Hoff Verfügbare Unverfügbarkeit? Der Losentscheid in Apg 1,15-26  Adam Drozdek Montane theology of Élie Bertrand Christine Wenona Hoffmann Christus gepredigt. Empirische…

/ Research, People

Prof. Jens Köhrsen in the current issue of "Bref"

What can churches do in response to climate change?
Stephan Germany

/ Research, Studies, Organizational Unit, People

Stephen Germany to begin professorship in Lausanne

Beginning in fall 2024, Stephen Germany will begin a new position as Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible in its Historical and Cultural Contexts at the University of Lausanne.

Conversation with Prof. Alfred Bodenheimer on SRF

Jewish voices in higher education – Swiss universities and their responses to antisemitism