/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Website of “Conviviality in Motion” online
The Website of the new project “Conviviality in Motion” funded by the SNSF is now online. You can find information on the research questions and the members of the project team./ Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Start of “Conviviality in Motion”
In September 2020 a project team in the department of Practical Theology started to work on questions of theologies and practices of multiethnic Christian congregations in Europe. The five-headed team will research in Switzerland, Italy and…![[Translate to English:] Dr. Julia Rhyder](/fileadmin/user_upload/theologie/05_Fakultaet/2_Organisation__frueher_Zur_Fakultaet_/Bilder/2020_Rhyder_Julia_News.jpg?1607014808)
/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Julia Rhyder receives Lautenschlaeger Award
Dr. Julia Rhyder, a Post-doctoral fellow in the Faculty of Theology, is one of the recipients of the Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award for Theological Promise (2021).![[Translate to English:] Stephen Kapinde](/fileadmin/user_upload/theologie/07_NEWS/2014-2020/2020/2020_Kapinde_Fakultaetspreis.jpg?1606990643)
/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, Organizational Unit
Dies Academicus 2020 Faculty Award
The Faculty Award in Theology goes to Dr. Stephen Achola Asol Kapinde![[Translate to English:] Dies Academicus 2020](/fileadmin/user_upload/theologie/07_NEWS/2014-2020/2020/2020_Dies_Academ_Symbolbild.jpg?1606993806)
Dies Academicus 2020 Honorary Doctorates
No honorary doctorates were awarded this year.
/ Research, Studies
Fakultätspreis für herausragende Bachelor- bzw. Masterarbeiten
Die Theologische Fakultät verleiht Leandra Zeller den Fakultätspreis für herausragende Masterarbeiten 2020/ Studies
Master's program in Religion, Economics and Politics
Master of Arts in Religion, Economics and Politics Religion at the intersection of Economics and Politics. A degree program for people who like to think about the big picture and work across disciplinary boundaries./ Research, Studies, Doctorate/PhD, Organizational Unit
Die Lieblingsorte der Dekane
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuser (Theologische Fakultät) stellt seinen Lieblingsort vor.