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Prof. Andrea Hofmann to join the Faculty of Theology as Professor of Church History

Andrea Hofmann

Foto: Vincent Leifer, Greifswald

The Faculty of Theology is pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Andrea Hofmann as Professor of Church History and History of Theology as of January 1, 2024.

Andrea Hofmann studied Theology and Music in Heidelberg and Salzburg. She received her doctorate from the University of Heidelberg in 2013. In 2022, she received her Habilitation from the University of Mainz with a study on «Images of War in Protestant Sermons and Devotional Texts during the First World War». Since October 2023 she has been a fellow at the Herzog August-Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel.

Prof. Hofmann's research focuses on modern and contemporary Church history. Her research is highly interdisciplinary and takes into consideration a variety of areas within the field of Theology and neighboring disciplines.