/ Studies

Block seminar «Global Eco-theology: Ecumenical and Liturgical Aspects» at the Ecumenical Institute, Bossey

Eco, postcolonial, grassroots, advocacy, land-grabbing: just some of the key concepts discussed in this block course conducted at the Château de Bossey on Lake Geneva.

Basel, Bern, and Bossey invite you to participate in a block seminar on Lake Geneva.

Join us and discuss ecotheological questions with students from Basel, Bern, and Bossey as well as with representatives of the Ecumenical Council of Churches. In the course, you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with grassroots projects from the global south, advocacy work in the context of the global church (such as the controversial issue of land ownership in postcolonial contexts), and eco-feminist contributions to an interreligious sustainability project.


When?          9–12 October 2023

Where?         Ecumenical Institute, Bossey

Questions?   Preparatory meeting on Zoom, Mon., 18 September, 18:15–19:45 (mandatory)

Contact:       Andreas Heuser (andreas.heuser@clutterunibas.ch), Claudia Hoffmann (claudia.hoffmann@clutterunibas.ch)