
The "Karl Barth Center of reformed Theology" was formally established on May 22nd 2015 in Basel. The center is a part of the Theological Faculty of Basel and relies on an agreement between the University of Basel and the Karl Barth-foundation. The contract's preamble states (transl.): "The University recognizes the importance of Karl Barth's literary corpus and the previous services of the Karl Barth-foundation to secure and publish it. In order to make Karl Barth's work visible in its entire scope and to promote theology on a biblical-evangelical, yet ecumenical basis the foundation is looking for a solid cooperation with the University. Accordingly, the University and the foundation founded the 'Karl Barth Center of reformed Theology' as a part of the Theological Faculty and as the mark of a long-lasting cooperation". The actual content of the agreement can be find in the left-hand column.

The center's determination of aims is to actualize Karl Barth's work and his approach to reformed theology in current teaching, research and public discourse, and to gain from it insights for theology, Church and society today. On that basis, the center's task is the promotion of reformed theology in the spirit of Karl Barth's theology in teaching and research.

The center has two main locations in the city of Basel: The Karl Barth-archive at Bruderholzalle 26, and the Theological Faculty Basel at Nadelberg 10. There are additional faculty offices at Heuberg 12 and 33 at its disposal.


The Karl Barth Center for reformed Theology is presided over by a board (and its chair) with the following tasks and authorities:

  • It advocates the center's interests towards the faculty and third parties.
  • It determines the center's program of activities.
  • It determines the scientific accompaniment of research projects.
  • It determines the scope of authorities of the editor of the Karl Barth Complete Edition and the manager of the archive.
  • It generates the center's annual budget in coordination with the University administration and the Karl Barth-foundation.
  • It decides on organizational regulations and expenses.
  • It proposes the employment of all persons working for the center with full- and part-time work quotas.

The board consists of members of the Theological Faculty Basel and of members, proposed by the Karl Barth-foundation. The current board is composed of the following persons:

  • Prof. Dr. Georg Pfleiderer (Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Reinhold Bernhardt
  • Prof. Dr. Moisés Mayordomo
  • Pfr. Dr. Niklaus Peter
  • Dr. Bernhard Christ
  • Pfr. Dieter Zellweger