Support opportunities for doctoral researchers
Having a child and being a doctoral researcher? Funding your studies on your own? What's up next afer finishing the doctorate?
The university offers various support services in studies, doctorate and career planning.
Funding and scholarships
An overview of funding opportunities can be found here. The Faculty of Theology also lists funding opportunities.
The University of Basel further provides an overview of all accessible foundations.
For all problems and difficulties - personal, in the supervisory relationship, in employment - the university offers free advice and support. The counseling guide helps to find the right contact person.
The Integrity Officer Dr. Cora Wagner can also be contacted as a person of trust.
Education during the doctorate
The University of Basel offers a wide range of useful doctoral courses: Transferable Skills. Since HS 2023, doctoral students from the Faculty of Theology have been able to take part in the specific courses for the humanities at the Faculty of Humanities.
The University of Basel's Department for Educational Development offers further courses on the subject of teaching.
Young Researchers
Participation in networks helps you to get to know other early career researchers and to position your own work in the discipline.
These can be, for example:
European Association of Biblical Scholars (eabs)
Swiss Theological Society (SthG)
Working Group on Empirical Religious Studies, in particular the summer schools for young researchers.
For further tips please contact Gr.III.
General information
General information can be found at the Graduate Center as a central point of contact for all questions concerning doctoral studies. GRACE also offers an extensive course program for doctoral students.
The Diversity and Inclusion Department provides resources and offers, advice and support on various topics related to diversity and inclusion.
Doing a doctorate with a child?
The university offers financial support for doctoral parents with get on track. For post-docs with maternity leave, there is the stay on track program. NEW from January 2023 there will be a nanny service for any evening appointments.
The SNSF also provides information on various funding opportunities related to parenthood. Financial support through a Flexibility Grant is particularly interesting.
Career planning after the doctorate
And what happens next?
The Career Service Center helps with career planning.
The Career Advancement Office offers individual career advice.
For female doctoral students, the antelope career program offers support for career planning in academics.
Transferable Skills offers courses with a focus on applications and career planning, especially for the non-university sector.
Forschungsdekanat: |
Prof. Dr. Sonja Ammann |
Franziska Müller Boss (Termine nach Absprache) |

Theologische Fakultät
Nadelberg 10
4051 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 27 94