How to apply

To go to the online application, click here.

Matriculation is possible once admission has been granted in writing and tuition fees have been paid. Matriculation takes place at the beginning of one's studies and retains its validity until their completion.

Applications can be submitted even after the official application deadlines. However, in such cases the timely processing of the application or admission to courses in the following semester cannot be guaranteed.

Contact persons

 Deanery of Studies

Prof. Dr. Moisés Mayordomo
Dean of Studies
(Appointments upon consultation)

Franziska Müller Boss
Management Deanery of Studies
(Appointments upon consultation)


[Translate to English:] Gebäude Theologische Fakultät

Theological Faculty
Deanery of Studies
Nadelberg 10
4051 Basel

Phone: +41 61 207 27 95