Forschungsdatenmanagement in der Theologie

Research data come into play in theological studies in every discipline. Research data arise or are collected in many different ways, f.i. working with archives, digitalization of analogue documents, archaeology or by conducting empirical research. A plurality of methods and approaches may be used.
Archives, digitalization and archaelogy make old material approachable and usable for research and public.
Empirical research is part of theological research ("Empirical Theology") since more than 20 years. F.i. the Arbeitskreis Empirische Religionsforschung unites researchers working in this field. A Summer School for young researchers is offered annualy.
More information and explanations esp. with regard to a DMP for a theological research project offered by the University of Lucerne may be found here: (Stand 28.07.2022).
Thinking about questions of research data managament offers several advantages: it helps to structure the own research process and to develop a more elaborated perspective on the relevance of the research for the academic and the public community.
More information and links are listed below. For further questions please don't hesitate to contact the Data Steward.
Support in research data management at the Faculty of Theology
If you’re planning to implement a research project, to write a dissertation or to develop a research question, Lisa Ketges is the contact person for questions on research data management at the Faculty of Theology you may approach.
- Information on research data management
- Support in shaping a research project regarding research data management
- One-to-one support f.i. for particular tasks in research data management
- Qualtitative empirical research methods
Information and Links
More information on research data management and the data process you may find at the website of the research data management team (University of Basel).
More information on data protection and the ethics committee for research project checks you may find here:
Office for data protection: Support in questions on data protection, approval of research projects
Ethics Committee: Approval of research projects. To check to which committee/office you need to hand in your research project, please make use of the self-assessment tool.