Theologische Zeitschrift (ThZ)
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Published by the
Faculty of Theology
University of Basel
Prof. Sonja Ammann
Prof. Georg Pfleiderer
Published quarterly.
Each issue is generally 96 pages in length.
Languages accepted: German, French, English
Peer reviewed / Green Open Access
ISSN 0040–570 1
The Theologische Zeitschrift (ThZ), founded in 1945 by Karl Ludwig Schmidt, is published by the Faculty of Theology of the University of Basel and is edited by Prof. Sonja Ammann (Hebrew Bible) and Georg Pfleiderer (Ethics). The journal, which is published with the financial support of the Swiss Academy for Humanities and Social Sciences (SAWG), does not follow a particular theological or confessional orientation. It reflects Basel's liberal tradition, is ecumenical in nature, and its selection of contribution is international in scope. Its international profile is also reflected by its acceptance of articles in German, French, and English and by its worldwide distribution, with subscribers in over 30 countries on almost every continent. Since its founding, the Theologische Zeitschrift has aimed to promote intra- and interdisciplinary dialogue in theology. In line with this aim, it publishes scholarly articles (only new contributions) and book reviews in every subject area of theology and associated fields, and especially articles that are relevant to more than one subject area.
Editors & editorial board
Prof. Dr. Sonja Ammann
Prof. Dr. Georg Pfleiderer
Editorial board:
The department chairs of Basel's Faculty of Theology represent their respective subject areas:
Prof. Sonja Ammann
(Hebrew Bible)
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Bernhardt
Prof. Dr. Andrea Bieler
(Practical Theology)
Prof. Dr. Alfred Bodenheimer
(Jewish Studies)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuser
(Intercultural Theology / World Christianity)
Prof. Dr. Martin Kessler
(Church History)
Prof. Dr. Moisés Mayordomo
(New Testament)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mohn
(Religious Studies)
Prof. Dr. Georg Pfleiderer
Additionally: Prof. emeritus Hans-Peter Mathys (former editor)
Editorial assistant: Dr. Oskar Kaelin
Publication of the Theologische Zeitschrift is supported by funds from the Swiss Academy for Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW) through the Swiss Theological Society (SThG).
Subscriptions and advertisements
Subscriptions and single issue orders:
Friedrich Reinhardt AG
Rheinsprung 1
Postfach 1427
CH-4001 Basel
Tel.: +41 (0)61 264 64 64
Subscription price (annual):
Switzerland: 106 CHF (for students: CHF 72)
CEPT countries 112 CHF
Other countries: 116 CHF
Single issue: 32 CHF
Full page: 460 CHF
Half page: 260 CHF

Theologische Zeitschrift
Nadelberg 10
4051 Basel
Tel.: +41 (0)61 207 28 99