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Theology Prize 2023 for outstanding high school theses

Theologiepreis 2023

Foto von Bruno Biermann

Every year, the Faculties of Theology of the Universities of Basel, Bern, and Zürich award a prize for an outstanding high school thesis (Maturaarbeit) from the fields of Religion, Ethics, and Theology. This year, the prize went to Veronica Stalder (Kantonsschule Wettingen). Congratulations!

In her high school thesis on «The Role of Women in the Catholic Church», Veronica Stalder from Bergdietikon (Canton of Aargau) addresses the current role and possibilities of women in the Catholic Church in German-speaking Europe. She analyzes, for example, the catholic image of humanity on the basis of the catechism of the Catholic Church, and also interrogates the New Tesament writings of Romans, Mark, and the Pastoral Epistles with respect to their conceptions of the position of women in the Church. 

The text of Veronica Stalder's thesis is accessible here: https://www.theologiestudium.ch/ausgezeichnete-arbeiten

With the Theology Prize, the Faculties of Theology of the Universities of Basel, Bern, and Zürich seek to promote engagement with themes relating to Ethics, Religion, and Theology. The prize is also intended to generate interest in Theology as a course of study. For further information on the prize, click here: https://www.theologiestudium.ch/news/thelogiepreis-2023