/ Research

Silke Radosh-Hinder receives advancement award from the Deutsche Nationalstiftung

[Translate to English:] Silke Radosh-Hinder Preis

Silke Radosh-Hinder and her colleagues Gesa Ederberg, Iman Andrea Reimann, and Kathin Jahnert received the advancement award of the Deutscher Nationalpreis for the initiative to build an interreligious daycare in Berlin. Silke Radosh-Hinder completed her doctorate at the Faculty of Theology in Basel in connection with this project and its planning phase, and her dissertation received the Faculty Prize in 2022.

Interreligious daycare receives the 2024 advancement prize of the Deutsche Nationalstiftung. The prize was awarded on June 7 in Berlin.

With its selection of this year's prize recipients, the Deutsche Nationalstiftung takes a stand against antisemitism and for a peaceful coexistence of different religions and cultures. The main prize was awarded to the pianist and activist Igor Levit. The interreligious daycare project received the foundation's advancement prize.

"We are honored to receive this prize, which spurs us on to continue promoting coexistence and understanding in our city and in Germany. Friendships, not mistrust, should develop already in childhood," said Rabbi Gesa Ederberg on behalf of the team of founders.

The interreligious daycare, with Jewish, Christian, and Muslim daycares under one roof, seeks to create a place of learning in which the coexistence of different religions can be experienced from early childhood onward. This project not only creates more daycare capacity for Berlin; it also seeks to promote a peaceful coexistence of religions and cultures in a diverse society.

The concept of constructed equality as developed in the project is unique within Germany.

The project is supported by Masorti – Verein zur Förderung der jüdischen Bildung und des jüdischen Lebens e.V., by the Evangelischer Kirchenkreisverband für Kindertageseinrichtungen Berlin Mitte-Nord, and by the Deutsches Muslimisches Zentrum Berlin.

For the press release of the Deutsche Nationalstiftung, click here:
