/ Research

Recently published: Theologische Zeitschrift, vol. 79, issue 4 (2023)

This issue includes contributions from researchers at the Faculty of Theology in Basel and offers a view into their current work.

Vol. 79, issue 4 (2023) – Contents

Stephen Germany
Einleitung/Introduction: Biblische Darstellungen von Israel und Juda als Subjekte kollektiver Gewalt/Biblical Representations of Israel and Judah as Subjects of Collective Violence

Sonja Ammann
Das judäische Heer in den biblischen Erzählungen der babylonischen Eroberung

Jenna Kemp
From Annihilation to Dispossession: Transforming Memories of חרם in the Book of Joshua

Stephen Germany
Les guerres menées par Juda et Israël dans les livres des Chroniques

Jonathan Woods
Killing for Yhwh: Legitimation through Inner-Israelite Violence in 1 Maccabees

The entire issue can be downloaded here.

For further information on the Theologische Zeitschrift, click here.