Zschokke Haus, Engelberg / CH
Theologische Fakultät Basel
New Perspectives on Intercultural Theology

The first in-person conference of the Network Intercultural Theology (NIT) will promote international and interdisciplinary networking on that purpose. We invite early-career academics in the field of Intercultural Theology and related disciplines to vivid discussions and networking. Our keynote speaker, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schröder of the University of Rostock, will give valuable impulses on current issues and her vision for the discipline.
Participation is open to all early-career scholars (M.A., PhDs, Post-docs) in the field of Intercultural Theology and cognate fields.
Registration with abstract submission until 15th of June 2022 via google forms or QR code (on flyer).
Network Intercultural Theology and the University of Basel:
Rahel Weber, Assistant in Intercultural Theology/World Christianity University of Basel (rahel.weber@clutterunibas.ch / 0041 61 207 17 31)
Dr. Judith Bachmann (Heidelberg)
Diana Lunkwitz (Hamburg)
Alena H fer (Bochum)
Zschokke-Haus Engelberg/CH
Gerschnialp 2
CH-6390 Engelberg
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