08 Dec 2023
18:00  - 22:00

Hörsaal 120, Kollegiengebäude Universität Basel, Petersplatz, 4051 Basel

Theologische Fakultät

Public event, Farewell lecture

Farewell lecture by Prof. Reinhold Bernhardt

The Faculty of Theology invites you to the farewell lecture of Prof. Reinhold Bernhardt.

On Friday, December 8, 2023, Prof. Reinhold Bernhardt will give his farewell lecture (6:15 p.m. in the Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz, Basel).

For further information, please consult the flyer.

Please register by November 30, 2023 through the following link or via the QR code on the flyer: https://forms.gle/Nfx2XgvJwJFZQZgLA

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