Conference Presentations
Ammann, Sonja, "The Babylonian Conquest of Jerusalem as Cultural Trauma." EABS Annual Conference, Sofia, July 2024.
Germany, Stephen, "Reinscribing Memories of Collective Violence in Samuel–Kings." EABS Annual Conference, Sofia, July 2024.
Kemp, Jenna, "Transforming Memories of Mass Annihilation in Joshua." EABS Annual Conference, Sofia, July 2024.
Dirnberger, Anita, "Transformations of envisioned collective organization in Zech 9–14." EABS Annual Conference, Sofia, July 2024.
Rhyder, Julia, "Festivals and War Commemoration in the Hebrew Bible." EABS Annual Conference, Sofia, July 2024.
Bezold, Helge, "A (Hi-)Story of Violence: Transforming Collective Violence in the Hebrew and Greek Books of Esther." EABS Annual Conference, Sofia, July 2024.
Germany, Stephen, “Jacob’s Vow in Gen 28:20–22 and Absalom’s Vow in 2 Sam 15:7–8 – A Case of Allusion between Samuel and Genesis?” EABS Annual Conference, Sofia, July 2024.
Kemp, Jenna, "Scribal Agency: The Position of Patterns of Causality in the Mediation of Text Tradition." EABS Annual Conference, Sofia, July 2024.
Germany, Stephen, “Die sogenannte Thronfolgeerzählung in inner- und außerbiblischem Kontekt.” Doktorandenkolloquium, Göttingen, June 2024.
Germany, Stephen, “‘Nenne mir, Muse, den Mann…’ (Odyssee 1,1). Zum Einfluss griechischer Literatur auf die Samuelbücher.” Antrittsvorlesung zur Privatdozentur, Basel, March 2024.
Kemp, Jenna, "Collective Violence in the Hebrew Bible." Universität Wien, Institut für Philosophie, January 2024 (online).
Germany, Stephen, “‘Soll denn das Schwert für immer fressen?’ (2 Sam 2,26); ‘Warum willst du den Erbbesitz des HERRN vernichten?’ (2 Sam 20,19). Zwei Plädoyers für (innerisraelitischen) Frieden in din Samuelbüchern." Krieg und Frieden in den Samuelbüchern. Walter Dietrich zum 80. Geburtstag, Bern, January 2024.
Kemp, Jenna, "Cultural Memory is a Process, Not a Thing: Escaping the Memory/History Dichotomy." SBL Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 2023.
Germany, Stephen,"Benjamin im Alten Testament und in der Geschichte Israels und Judas." Schweizerische Sozietät Altes Testament, Chur, September 2023.
Dirnberger, Anita, "Schafe, Hirten und Händler. Die Gestalt des Kollektivs in Sach 11,4–16." Schweizerische Sozietät Altes Testament, Chur, September 2023.
Kemp, Jenna, "Is חרם Genocide?: Discourses of (In)Complete Annihilation." Historical Exegesis of the Old Testament, Augst, March 2023.
Dirnberger, Anita, "The Houses of David, Levi, and Others, and the Pierced One: The Emergence of the Collective in Zech 12:10–14" Historical Exegesis of the Old Testament, Augst, March 2023.
Germany, Stephen, "Political Prophet, Wonder Worker, and Trailblazer: The Figure of Elijah in Biblical Tradition." Cantieri dell’agiografia, VI edizione (AISSCA: Associazione italiana per lo studio della santità dei culti e dell’agiografia), Rom, January 2023.
Kemp, Jenna, "The Value of Poetics in Higher Criticism." SBL Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 2022.
Germany, Stephen, "Israel, Judah, and Historical Typology in the Book of Samuel." The Book of Samuel in the Shadow of Empires: Relations between Israel, Judah, and Neighboring Nations in Historical, Compositional, and Theological Perspective, Basel, October 2022.
Kemp, Jenna, "From Annihilation to Dispossession in the Compositional History of Joshua." Schweizer Sozietät Altes Testament, Basel, September 2022.
Germany, Stephen, "David and Inaros: Comparing Memories of Imperial Domination in the Book of Samuel and in Demotic Literature." Workshop des ERC-Projektes “From Texts to Literature: Demotic Egyptian Papyri and the Formation of the Hebrew Bible,” Paris, September 2022.
Germany, Stephen, "Reconsidering the Religio-historical Background of the „uncircumcised Philistine“ Motif in the Book of Samuel." 24th Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT), Zürich, August 2022.
Germany, Stephen, "Transforming Memories of Assyrian Imperialism in the Hebrew Bible and Egyptian Literature." SBL International Meeting, Salzburg, July 2022.
Kemp, Jenna, "Transforming Memories of Mass Annihilation in Joshua." SBL International Meeting, Salzburg, July 2022.
Kemp, Jenna, “The Role of the Future in Remembering: A Case Study of Joshua 23-24.” EABS Annual Conference, Toulouse, July 2022.
Germany, Stephen, "Judahite Interests in Transjordan? Comparing the Biblical and Extrabiblical Evidence." Transjordan in Biblical Traditions: Exploring New Avenues and Perspectives for Future Research on Ancient Transjordan from Hebrew Bible Studies and Related Fields, Oldenburg, July 2022.
Ammann, Sonja, “Moods of Exile: How Affects Affect Historiography.” SBL Annual Meeting, Historiography and the Hebrew Bible section, San Antonio, TX, November 2021.
Kemp, Jenna, "Remembering the Future: The Temporal Extension of the Day of Yahweh in Isaiah 2." SBL Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 2021.
Bezold, Helge, "'Jews as a 'Warlike and Rebellious People': The Intensification of Anti-Jewish Sentiments in the Ancient Esther Traditions." SBL Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 2021.
Ammann, Sonja, “Das Schicksal des Volkes: Transformationsprozesse alttestamentlicher Geschichtserzählungen am Beispiel der babylonischen Eroberung Jerusalems.” XVII. Europäischer Kongress für Theologie, Zürich, September 2021.
Ammann, Sonja, “The Fall of Jerusalem: Cultural Trauma as a Process.” EABS Annual Conference, Wuppertal, August 2021.
Germany, Stephen,“Yahwistic Communities in Persian-Period Gilead? Biblical and Extrabiblical Perspectives.” EABS Annual Conference, Wuppertal, August 2021.
Bezold, Helge, "Violence is Power!? Negotiating Power and the Depiction of Jewish Violence in the Ancient Esther Tradition." Jewish Authors and Power in the Graeco-Roman Period (online workshop), June 2021.
Ammann, Sonja, "597 oder 587 als Zäsur? Transformationsprozesse alttestamentlicher Geschichtserzählungen am Beispiel der babylonischen Eroberung Jerusalems." WGTh / Europäischer Kongress für Theologie, Zürich, postponed until 2021.
Germany, Stephen, "Reconsidering the Historical Background of the 'Edom Texts' in Samuel–Kings." Forschungskolloquium, Theologische Fakultät der Universität Zürich, November 2020.
Rhyder, Julia, "The Pig and Memories of the Maccabean Revolt." Invited contribution to the colloquium Animaux et Religion dans l’Antiquité, Université de Lausanne, 2020.
Rhyder, Julia, "God, Temple, and Political Theology in Second Maccabees." Invited paper at the e-conference "Political Theology." University of Divinity, Australia. July 2020.
Ammann, Sonja, "2 Kings 24-25 and Jer 52 as Converging Memories of the Babylonian Conquest." SBL Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2019.
Rhyder, Julia, "The Commemoration of Violence in 1 and 2 Maccabees: Hanukkah and the Day of Nicanor." SBL Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2019.
Germany, Stephen, “Israelite and Judahite Military Alliances between Myth and History: Case Studies from the Former Prophets.” SBL Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2019.
Germany, Stephen, “Delegitimizing Intrareligious Violence in Josh 22: An Argument from the Periphery to the Center.” Religiöse (De-)Legitimationsansätze von Gewalt in der Antike, Mainz, September 2019.Bezold, Helge, "The Empire Within: Hasmonean Perspectives on Imperial Power in the Book of Esther." EABS Annual Conference, Warschau, August 2019.
Germany, Stephen, “Self-defense as a Justification for Conquest in ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Literature.” Graduate Meeting, Göttingen, June 2019.
Germany, Stephen, “Divine and Human Agency in the Conquest Accounts in Joshua and Judges.” Celtic Conference in Classics, Coimbra, June 2019.